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Constructal Law and the Globalization of the Planet

Constructal Law and Globalization of the Planet.

Economics is Physics.

A quote from Adrian Bajan’s book ‘The Physics of Life’ page 228:

In physics, resistance is a concept from electricity (voltage divided by current), which was adopted subsequently in various fields of physics – fluid of mechanics, heat transfer, pedestrian, and animal movement.

This concepts from electricity / physics have also been adopted in economics. Dr. Elmor L. Peterson and his collaborators have derived the general equilibrium model from the equilibrium of electric circuits. This general equilibrium model has been widely used in applications such as simulation of heavy-hydrogen fusion and of note is that Americans have recently realized a controlled heavy-hydrogen fusion; Climate simulation and weather prediction with appropriate scientific laws that have been digitized; Cosmic simulation of the evolution of our universe with appropriate scientific laws that have been digitized; simulation of macro-economic equilibrium on monotone-network models of price-sensitive supply and demand; and optimization of Obama’s universal health care with appropriate physiological and empirically determined health-care laws.

As Peterson’s PhD student we specialized this general equilibrium model to resolve the economic equilibrium problem. Voltage is the price differentials between ‘n’ market nodes, current is the trade flows between ‘n’ market nodes. For the first time the economic equilibrium problem in ‘n’ dimensions has been resolved with a finitely converging algorithm. I.E., with exact numerical and optimal solutions.

In the idea of applied physics this economic equilibrium model is revolving global market distortions (resistance) valued at this time by Nomi Prins to be around $150 trillion.

This is the case of the predictive nature of the Constructal Law. Resolving the distortions in the global market – lessening resistance, the system (planet) will evolve such as to grow the flow of product along global trade flows. For a flow system to persist in time it must evolve freely such as to increase the access to its current (flows)

On a macroeconomic level resolving the distortions of the global markets will favor the globalization of the planet. The planet as a finite flow system will evolve free of resistance and globalize by increasing flow. The other components of a global planet are occurring simultaneously with the economic phenomenon: globalization of communication via the internet, globalization of transport via air travel, globalization of government. Globalization of governance is evident empirically and it comes in the form of transitioning from the traditional democracy to the corporate democracy. Corporations have a global reach therefore the corporate global government and the system planet will have easier access to the global flow of governance.

Some studies have been conducted with the new economic equilibrium model technology and the results are all pointing in the same time arrow direction of optimal prices with optimal trade flows which is taking all the present empirical methods of harmonizing prices to increase trade flows to the next level – the mathematical formulation of globalization. From the studies above significant chunks of capital amounting to billions of dollars were freed and made available to be reallocated in easing the access to flow.

The idea of globalizing the planet has reached its mathematical stage.

As per the economist Nomi Prins the leaders of the new globalized planet will be the one who will act in the vein of the Constructal Law, reducing global market distortions (resistance) to evolve freely toward more access to global flow of goods.

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